Dec 1, 2020
Development Update 10
Featuring: G3A3, P1, Kampfmesser (M68), DM51, and our plans for the first West German Bundeswehr character model!
Afterconflict is a Realistic Cold War Multiplayer Tactical FPS, wherein the remnants of NATO and Warsaw Pact forces fight to the bitter end during the latter stages of World War 3.
Dec 1, 2020
Featuring: G3A3, P1, Kampfmesser (M68), DM51, and our plans for the first West German Bundeswehr character model!
Nov 1, 2020
Featuring: Magazine Inspection, Weapon Inspection, More Staged Reloading, PBS-4, AK-74N, New Multiplayer Map, and more!
Oct 6, 2020
In this new update we have plenty of new additions to Afterconflict we think you'll enjoy, from character-related improvements such as staged reloading, new recoil, and velocity-based sprinting, to various pieces of equipment such as the new and improved Obr. 1988 uniform in Afghanka, Barvikha, Butan, and Berezka, the MPi-KM with early production wooden furniture, the AK-74 with wooden furniture, the AKS-74, the AKS-74U, the DM51, and an update about where we are currently on our roadmap!
Aug 1, 2020
In this new update we have some new additions to Afterconflict we think you'll enjoy, from various examples of DDR folding AK variants such as the workhorse MPi-KMS-72 or the more specialist MPi-AKS-74NK, to the DDR-produced ZFK 4x25 scope designed specifically for the MPi-AK-74N series of rifles, to various other additions such as improved SVD animations, improvements to our dynamic clouds that can now be changed dynamically, pouches on characters changing depending on the weaponry equipped, and a preview of our improved Afghanka model!
Jul 10, 2020
In this new update we not only have additions to Afterconflict itself such as the AK-74, its DDR-produced counterpart the MPi-AK-74N, DDR production RGD-5 and F1 grenades, the AKMS, and night iron sights such as the 6CH3 and ZVN-64, but we also have the new Afterconflict Development Roadmap alongside the launch of the new Afterconflict Patreon!